Try the political quiz

118 Replies

 @9FYLTBX from Florida disagreed…8mos8MO

It is a destruction of our national unity. It shows hate for our country and disrespect to those who fought for the flag.

 @9MW8XLM from North Carolina commented…1wk1W

It doesn't matter, it's their right to express that. Whether that's why they are doing it or it's for other reasons. I served and swore to uphold and protect the constitution and the rights within whether I agree or not. It doesn't matter if I agree with their views or opinions, doesn't matter if I agree or disagree with if they should or shouldn't burn the flag or any other type of expression/speech. It doesn't infringe on anybody else individual freedoms and liberties. And if we take away people's rights simply bc we don't like or agree with what they are saying or doing then the flag loses all meaning

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…8mos8MO

It is a piece of cloth with Stars and Stripes on it. If we allow any national flags at all to be burned, we let all of them be burned. It’s a part of freedom of speech, and says little about a persons actual values.

 @9F7FCY2 from Arizona agreed…9mos9MO

Flag burning is an exercise of free speech. To not allow people to show their beliefs is oppressive and any act that doesn't hurt others, while it may not benefit society as a whole, should not be criminalized.

 @Unanim0usCheetahAmerican Solidarity from Pennsylvania disagreed…9mos9MO

While it's true that flag burning can be viewed as a form of free speech, it's also important to consider the symbolic value of a national flag. For many, it represents the struggles, sacrifices and unity of a nation. Burning it could be seen as a deeply disrespectful act, not just to the government, but also to the people and history it represents.

Take for example the case of 'Texas v. Johnson' in 1989. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that flag burning was a form of "symbolic speech", but it was a highly contentious 5-4 decision. One could argue the narrow margin…  Read more

 @9FRLH27 from Wisconsin disagreed…8mos8MO

it is disrespectful to U.S. citizens and even more disrespectful to our veterans. if you are a U.S. citizen burning the country's flag you should get charged, it's as simple as that.

 @9BR8S52from Maine commented…1yr1Y

I think it is one of the most basic right to burn USA flag. United States of America is a country which base on huge unjustice. Like Russia it is dangerous imperialist aggressor with strict hypocrisy.

 @9FNKH37 from Virginia disagreed…8mos8MO

it is disrespectful to U.S. citizens and even more disrespectful to our veterans. if you are a U.S. citizen burning the country's flag you should get charged, it's as simple as that.


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