Try the political quiz

5 Replies

 @9FM3MHP from California disagreed…8mos8MO

The "No, this is a slippery slope that will eventually ban the sale of guns to anyone" argument against using the No-Fly List for gun control raises concerns about potential overreach and erosion of Second Amendment rights. It's important to address these concerns by emphasizing the need for due process and accuracy in identifying potential threats on the list. Implementing gun restrictions solely based on the No-Fly List without ensuring transparency and accuracy could infringe on individuals' rights and set a precedent for government overreach.

 @9FBJKXZ from Minnesota agreed…9mos9MO

The ATF has been unlawfully redefining what they consider illegal and many individuals are being penalized for something that was entirely legal. The people should not be punished for exercising their 2nd amendment right.

 @9JXXLR9 from Oklahoma agreed…4mos4MO

First, they will start with the no-fly list, then felons, then anyone with a criminal record, then everyone.

 @9FBSXB3Workers from Washington disagreed…9mos9MO

Good, I don’t believe you should own a gun if you can’t fly on the no fly list, there should be more ballots where the actual citizens vote on the issues and if it’s a slippery slope there should be safeguards built into the laws

 @9FM3XNJ from Texas disagreed…8mos8MO

Guns regardless make a profit due to the funding provided due to the military. It would simply prevent people who are deemed so dangerous that they are not even allowed on public air-born transportation to not potentially harm people's family and kids. The restrictions are to prevent potential attacks, simply like how pocket knives, etc. are not allowed on the aircraft to keep employees and passengers safe.


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