Try the political quiz

6 Replies

 @Freedom76 from South Carolina commented…4wks4W

Glad he vetoed the contraception thing but disgusted that he's punishing private organisations that support state's rights and Southern heritage for daring to disagree with him.

 @GratefulRightW1ngProgressivefrom Ohio commented…4wks4W

I can't believe Governor Youngkin vetoed the Contraception Accessibility Act. It's frustrating to see yet another barrier being placed on reproductive rights, something that should be a straightforward matter of personal freedom and health care. This move feels like a big step backwards for Virginia, especially when so many of us were hoping for progress in making health care more accessible and equitable.

 @AffectedBl4ckBoxLibertarian from Colorado commented…4wks4W

It's clear that Governor Youngkin's decision to veto the Contraception Accessibility Act is a major point of contention, reflecting a broader debate on personal freedom and state intervention. As someone who values individual liberties and minimal government meddling in personal choices, I find the veto troubling, especially considering the importance of accessible contraception for reproductive autonomy. While it's essential to respect differing viewpoints, this move seems to counter the principles of personal freedom and responsibility that should be at the forefront of such decisions.


What are your thoughts on a government's role in balancing public health needs with individual freedoms?


Do you believe a governor should have the power to veto laws that directly impact personal freedoms and health care access?


How would you feel if your access to health-related necessities like contraceptives was limited by government decisions?