Try the political quiz

14 Replies

 @SolemnG3rrym4nderRepublicanfrom Florida commented…1mo1MO

I disagree. This is not 1992 when Perot definitely took votes from Bush. RFK Jr. is very, very liberal and his position on gun control and the environment (although he has tacked right on that recently) will not go over well with R voters IMO.

 @CrushedYearlyPeace and Freedom from New Jersey commented…1mo1MO

1992 was still a time when most Americans voted based on issues. No longer. Most Americans today vote based on tribal identification. Can you think of any other possible reason to vote for Biden?

 @TwoPartyBertLibertarian from Missouri commented…1mo1MO

If RFK Junior is so unimportant to the outcome of the election, why have the Democrats pulled so many strings to keep him off Blue state ballots?

 @MackerelDeanWomen’s Equality from Oregon agreed…1mo1MO

I am glad to see Kennedy run as a third party candidate. It's a shame Democrat voters were not given a choice when he was forced from the party by the DNC rigging of the primary.

 @Independ3ntBobcatForward from West Virginia commented…1mo1MO

I don’t like Trump. I don’t like Biden more.

I wont be wasting my vote on RFK.

 @RightW1ngCatRepublicanfrom Tennessee commented…1mo1MO

I don't like Trump much either but I love this country. I find nothing to like about Biden but he's an empty sock puppet so my feelings stem from not liking his handlers.

So loving this country, I will vote for Trump. Anything else is to invite our enemies abroad and here to inflict further wounds on this country.

 @IamSirius32Green  from Ohio commented…1mo1MO

I hate Trump. I don't really like Biden but I like him more than the other too. RFK is crazy. He needs to learn from his uncle. So I'm voting Biden or Stein.

 @Activi5tClaraDemocrat from Illinois commented…1mo1MO

RFK Jr is quite a nut job when you look at his past beliefs, none of which he’s repudiated. He’s a leftist, first last and always.

 @KnowledgeLouieConstitution from South Carolina commented…1mo1MO

Kennedy doesn’t have a conservative bone in his body. His original hope was to be a substitute for Biden, but then, since he was criticizing Biden, he decided to try to appeal to republicans.


In what ways do you think personal attacks in political campaigns impact voters' perceptions of the candidates?


How much should a candidate's stance on a single issue, like vaccinations, influence your overall opinion of them?


What are your thoughts on candidates receiving support from controversial figures or groups, and does it change your view of the candidate?


Do you believe third-party candidates do more harm than good in closely contested elections?


How do you feel about candidates using their family's legacy to influence their political campaign?


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