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20 Replies


Is it possible to support both the rights of marginalized communities to live without fear and the right to free speech without compromise?

 @9LGPRT4 from California commented…2mos2MO

Freedom of Speech is in the Constitution, therefore it is always going to be around. That being said it's like having a tool, just because you have it doesn't mean you should abuse it, use it the right way. By a "Right Way" I mean don't try and intentionally cause problems with your freedom of Speech.

 @9LGPQBB from California commented…2mos2MO

I think that it's possible to both support the rights of a marginalized community to live with no fear and the right of free speech to not be compromised. The only way to do this is to place in Anti-discriminatory laws, and try to reform the hateful people instead of limiting their freedom of speech, trying to limit their freedom of speech only covers up the issue, not eliminate it, and will make them madder and more hateful, because they believe their right as democratic citizens are being compromised.

 @9LGMKMV from West Virginia commented…2mos2MO

People should not have to be afraid to state their feeling and opinions on certain subjects.


If a law prevents someone from expressing derogatory opinions about a group, does it protect that group or limit freedom of expression more?

 @9LGQH79 from Texas commented…2mos2MO

I believe that this is a difficult topic and difficult to answer which would make it the most important or interesting to listen.


Should personal feelings be protected under the law to the point where expressing certain opinions could land you in jail?

 @9LGPJTT from California commented…2mos2MO

I think it's so stupid how people let their feelings get hurt over something ridiculous.

 @9LGMRK2 from Wisconsin commented…2mos2MO

No, there is a right to free speech, just because someone's feelings were hurt does not mean that someone should end up in jail over it.

 @PragmaticOatmealRepublican from Colorado commented…2mos2MO

My experience of 20 years in Seattle as a conservative was ‘hate’ doesn’t work both ways. What was once a diverse society quickly became one-sided, with little tolerance for anyone not seeing eye-to-eye with liberal activists. Nothing was off limits for them, while everything conservative was a backward farce. Their hate could not have been more openly expressed from the top down, so if the top is making the laws and its skewed heavily in one direction or the other, it’s not going to be fair or objective.

 @ResilientCentr1stLibertarianfrom Illinois agreed…2mos2MO

This is pretty spot on, though I think you left unsaid an important part re the non-hate side. Most of the people I know -- and I think most Americans in general -- are fairly tolerant. I'm not a fan of some of the stuff that others do nowadays, but I also don't make a lot of fuss about it, as I think most Americans don't. Live and let live.

Laws suddenly telling tolerant people who don't wish to change their pronouns, for example, that they must or will face charges, are neither just nor helpful for the cause of transgender people. Do what you want, identify as you want,…  Read more

 @9LGSKWC from California commented…2mos2MO

I think hate speech laws aren't strict enough yet and there needs to be more done regarding hate speech and hate crimes.

 @DejectedL1b3rtyLibertarianfrom Guam commented…2mos2MO

I read that on the day the new law was effective, April 1, 4,000 hate speech complaints were made. Most of them were against the PM of Scotland, Humza Haroon Yousaf, for a speech he had given bemoaning the number of White people in positions of authority...... in Scotland, a country that is 96% White.

 @Unanim0usRayPatriot from Colorado commented…2mos2MO

Very tired of people conflating the removal of smutty books from elementary school libraries as “book-banning.”

Hint: If you can order the book off Amazon, it’s in no way banned. People are simply exercising good taste in not displaying/stocking this stuff in a public library

 @BicameralPorcupinePeace and Freedom from California commented…2mos2MO

The movement to enforce "favored" speech/ideologies, and punish "unflavored" speech/ideas like JK Rowling expresses, is nothing new. It is the same combination of punishment and pressure used in Nazi Germany and Communist countries. When a society stoops to this low level that America, UK, and Europe have reached, means we are only a baby-step from totalitarian oppression, particularly against Jews and Christians.

 @DejectedActivi5tGreenfrom Alabama commented…2mos2MO

Defining ‘hate’ speech is a slippery slope, much like adding “hate” to criminal offenses. I oppose adding ‘hate’ to juice up offenses.

I’m a gay man. I detest this movement by many LGTBQIA+ advocates to impose restrictions on speech. It’s a dangerous path and does much more to erode acceptance of gays and lesbians than it does to promote tolerance.

Alphabet advocates conflate tolerance and acceptance with embrace and celebration. Society has progressed tremendously with tolerance and acceptance of gays and lesbians. Bravo. This is good. But there should be absolutely no requirement that individuals celebrate and embrace gay people.

Free speech should be for all. Regardless of bigotry or hypersensitivity.

 @ElectoralMagpieForward from Missouri commented…2mos2MO

Hate speech is free speech and must be defended as such. The definition of "hate speech" depends on fallible individuals who may change over time. Those on the political left who want the government to censor hate speech must be okay with censoring hate speech as defined by Trump, and vice versa for the left.I'm sure the founding fathers said some "hateful" things before the revolution, and I'm sure abolitionists said some "hateful" things before slavery was abolished. Should they have been censored?


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