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11 Replies

 @ReferendumYakRepublican from Minnesota commented…6mos6MO

The Pope Francis news is just ridiculous. It will do nothing to satisfy gay couples who want a full Catholic marriage (I just don’t see this ever happening) and is going to cause a faith crisis for many Catholics who take seriously the church’s teachings and commands.

 @GrizzledNarwhalGreen from Alabama commented…6mos6MO

Since most priests are gay - should the Pope allow gay priests to marry ?

 @GenerousGr4ssrootPatriot from Florida commented…6mos6MO

Pope is NOT Christianity

Pope is NOT Christ

Pope is NOT God

 @TroubledG3rrymander from Illinois commented…6mos6MO

This is the reason you have to have an encounter with God yourself, not listen to "church authorities," have a personal relationship with God as Christians

 @9HP8FN5Independent from Arizona commented…6mos6MO

 @9HP7C6R from Massachusetts commented…6mos6MO

I think that although it's wonderful that the Pope has allowed this, it is truly just a stunt to increase church attendance in any way possible.

  @MikeRepublican  from Connecticut commented…1mo1MO

Beast antichrist demon = pope fracis roman catholic church John 10:33 blasphemous names is saying you have the power to forgive sins revelation 13:1 and I saw a wild beast desending from the sea with blasphemous names all over the head of it Revelation 17:9 and this beast sitteth on seven hills whitch are the seven heads and ten horns revelation 17:18 and the woman gave power to the whole world matthew 23:9 and you shalt not call any man upon the earth father for your father is in heaven.

 @9HPB4TLIndependent from Utah commented…6mos6MO

 @9HP6B9Pfrom Washington commented…6mos6MO

Fantastic news! Though it's likely only to keep up with the modern times so the church can remain relevant, not likely out of a place of true belief.


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