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 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...1yr1Y

Yes, we should always promote diplomatic peace talks during foreign conflicts

 @9FPTVZC from Colorado disagreed…9mos9MO

no i think we should tell them to stop not ask and if that takes blowing their entire country up so be it

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...1yr1Y

No, we should not get involved in foreign conflicts

 @9GGNHPSPeace and Freedomdisagreed…8mos8MO

We should because if we want to protect other people and give ourselves a better name and stance, we should get involved with Saudi Arabia and Iran.

 @9FYWDTV from Georgia disagreed…8mos8MO

We shouldn’t get involved. There isn’t a counter argument. You could say they might send a bunch of illegal aliens over the border to create sleeper cells that might attack - it’s worth getting involved to protect ourselves.

 @9FPKSY4 from South Carolina disagreed…9mos9MO

We may think we are helping but something can go wrong and we can end up in a war fighting to keep our freedom

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...1yr1Y

No, only if it is an immediate threat to our safety

 @9FZL9FC from California disagreed…8mos8MO

I would say that the speculation of terrorism is enough to go and hunt down a terrorist or at least bring them in for interrogation.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...1yr1Y


 @9FPTVZC from Colorado agreed…9mos9MO

8 b83s could blow up all mjor fuclitesin iran and we would not need to find peace the would just hvae to ltsen if they wan tto lezve

 @9BDJWJ6 from Pennsylvania answered…1yr1Y

Yes, but in a minimal fashion. We should avoid getting overly involved in our country's business.

 @9D73H7P from Tennessee answered…10mos10MO

Yes, if the problem could impact us.

 @NominationMadelynLibertarianfrom New Jersey disagreed…10mos10MO

While it's true that conflicts can have global ramifications, it's also important to consider the complexities of international relations. For instance, if the US were to support peace talks between Saudi Arabia and Iran, it might be seen as interference by other Middle Eastern countries. This could potentially escalate tensions rather than defuse them. Do you think there's a way to support peace talks without causing backlash from other nations in the region?

 @98N6PB8Independent from Texas answered…1yr1Y

 @9BDLZNM from North Carolina answered…1yr1Y

A Saudi-Iranian peace talk will push Saudi Arabia away from the USA and towards Russia. We should be backing up Saudi Arabia as much as we can to remake our strong relation.

 @9BD5VXBIndependent from Illinois answered…1yr1Y

We should support it from a distance, monitoring it closely and pandering to what guarantees our safety first.

 @9BCX5V3 from Texas answered…1yr1Y

Yes, if we are giving our input in a PASSIVE requested way. We should not meddle in the affairs of other countries unless we are asked to by the country in order to work toward a safer, cohesive, and cooperative world.

  @Natsukiza from Arizona answered…1yr1Y

The government should not be heavily involved in foreign conflicts like these

 @99G5GNZIndependent from Oregon answered…1yr1Y

No, not through these talks; Xi's diplomatic interest in the two countries reconciling does not come from a genuine hope for peace, it's just political maneuvering to solidify opposition to NATO.

 @9BCZ6BR from Illinois answered…1yr1Y

No, what goes on between other countries is none of the USA’s business.

 @9BC3Z39 from Hawaii answered…1yr1Y

Yes, but is China the best country to foster good relations between two 'top regional powers'?

 @9NXSHQT from Washington answered…6 days6D

Yes, the United States should support such actions through intermediaries such as the United Nations

 @9HMDW9P from Colorado answered…6mos6MO

yes diplomacy is always the best option but again this wont happen due to it making us a stupid amount of money from oil and the MIC (military industrial complex)

 @9M9XZTW from Virginia answered…1mo1MO

We should support the stabilisation of such a violent region. However the US and its allies must make sure that Iran never develops nuclear weapons or starts a major war. Global peace should be a top priority.

 @9M4GRRV from Minnesota answered…2mos2MO

Yes, but we must be careful in how we do it. We do not want Saudi Arabia to become too close to Iran.

 @9LNZDPR from North Carolina answered…2mos2MO

No, we shouldn't get involved in foreign conflicts and only if it is an immediate threat to our society.

 @9LN8ZKP from Illinois answered…2mos2MO

We should promote it but we shouldn't get so involved that if the conflict escalates then we get dragged into it.

 @9LFGWG5 from Florida answered…2mos2MO

WHO CARES WE NEED TO FOCUS ON OURSELVES. No country is trying to help other as much as we are. We are falling right now and the last thing we need to worry about is other countries.

 @9L2JQLR from Michigan answered…3mos3MO

I feel like this is not really any of our business if we are not involved, it would be different if we were.

 @9KJYCV8 from Massachusetts answered…3mos3MO

No but America should monitor the Nations that are historically/religiously hostile towards Western beliefs and ideology.

 @9KDW4L8 from North Carolina answered…4mos4MO

Yes but as a diplomatic supporter of peace. Not involved in the actual documentation as long as it doesn’t violate human rights

 @9KB3Q86 from Illinois answered…4mos4MO

No, we should not get involved in foreign conflict but I do support them reaching peace on their own without the USA involvement.


Yes and No, we should always promote diplomatic peace talk during foreign conflict; only if it is an immediate threat to our safety; we should not get involved in foreign conflicts.

 @Brandonnoe84Libertarian  from Colorado answered…4mos4MO

We should encourage them to start peace talks, but we should not send any supplies or moderators over to help with the peace talks.

 @9JTWHJZ from Illinois answered…4mos4MO

yes peace is always good, but i don’t know if getting involved in foreign conflicts without being asked to by those foreign countries is a good idea

 @9JFRWGN from Tennessee answered…5mos5MO

Only to prevent either side from gaining nuclear weapons. If either one, Saudi Arabia or Iran, gained nuclear weapons, they must be taken out ASAP; both countries are far too radical in their Islamic view to be taken lightly.

 @9463KG8 from Illinois answered…5mos5MO


No, Iran hates us and we’re already not allies with Saudi Arabia. Them paired up makes a powerful enemy.

Think gas is pricey now just wait lol

 @9HQCRDMIndependent from North Carolina answered…6mos6MO

We should stop fomenting conflicts between neighbors for the sake of cheap access to natural resources

 @9HP4KFL from Tennessee answered…6mos6MO

We do not need to entwine ourselves in other countries' issues when at such a small level at this moment. Maybe in the future if tensions rise too much.

 @9HMHCGJ from Florida answered…6mos6MO

No, we should not involve ourselves with foreign conflicts unless it somehow involves us or any countries we have alliances or business deals with.

 @7YS3KJPIndependent  from Arizona answered…7mos7MO

Generally speaking, I dislike both countries’ governments and don’t feel very strongly about this issue, though I am usually in favor of the general idea of supporting peace between nations as a matter of principle.

 @9GT7BP4Libertarian from Colorado answered…7mos7MO

While we should encourage diplomatic peace talks amidst foreign conflicts, we should still not get too involved as it isn't entirely our business or of any threat to us.

 @9GHDRKD from North Carolina answered…8mos8MO

Not at this time. But we should always be laying the groundwork for ending conflicts. However there are currently more than unresolved conflicts. There is a fundamental difference in goals and objectives. Iran is not at a place we can negotiate with them right now.

 @9GCTVQWfrom PR answered…8mos8MO

No, both Saudi Arabia and Iran are undemocratic and authoritarian regimes that we should not help in any way.

 @9GC529BRepublican from Ohio answered…8mos8MO

They shouldn't of started anything with the US military looking back to what happen to Japan in world war 2. We should take business route to make our a economy better and mercantilism in there country.

 @9G6HCZ6 from Illinois answered…8mos8MO

While the dispute is of a foreign kind, it shouldn't mitigate the U.S.'s capacity to help out those who are actively being harmed in this conflict.

 @9F9RHQR from Ohio answered…9mos9MO


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