Try the political quiz

464 Replies

 @9GMWYWY  from California agreed…8mos8MO

Top Agreement

Law Enforcement is a necessary department in our society. No we should not defund nor should we abolish the police. This is quite frankly a childish argument. Assuming that just because one cop is bad, the same goes for all the others is a bigoted belief. It's similar as to when an individual has one bad encounter with someone of the other race so their mind believes that the entire race behaves the same way.

 @9GMY9LTDemocrat from California disagreed…8mos8MO

The police need intense reform because of their countless and continuous unjust actions against minority groups.

 @9GMY8RLDemocrat from New York disagreed…8mos8MO

It fails to acknowledge that the 'ACAB' stance is not based on just a few bad cops, but the belief that the police organization is systemically built in a way that encourages or at the very least upholds Bigotry (most prominently Racism, but other examples such as ableism and classism are apart of the system are well). While there is a place for police in society, it is not as an occupying military as they currently are.

 @9GMXS8GIndependent from Arizona agreed…8mos8MO

As some cops are bad most are doing good and protecting our civil rights and protecting us from all of the harm America. Has as some cops are bad increasing funding for Cops is key as the good outweighs the bad.

 @9GLZYLN from Pennsylvania agreed…8mos8MO

The idea to defund the police is absolutely insane, what would that ever accomplish. Police are here to protect, and they cant do that if they don't have any money. people are saying that police "need more training" and that we also need to "defund the police" which police can't get more training, IF THEY HAVE NO MONEY. police don't shoot people because their black, police are not racist, every single video i have ever seen of someone getting shot by the cops, there is a damn good reason for it.

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas disagreed…8mos8MO

Police are here to protect the interests of capital, not necessarily the public, and the courts have confirmed this already that police have no actual obligation to protect the public. That is why people say that the police, as a structural institution, needs to be abolished and replaced entirely with another form of community security that is actually designed by and for the public good.

Secondly, if you think all police killings are justified, then you're probably just a very pro-state authoritarian person to begin with, so it's not surprising why you would defend state violence.

 @9GM26BW from California disagreed…8mos8MO

Police laws are proven to be working to help the economy but the workers who train to become police. Don't believe this to be true, police are looking to have fun catching bad guys other than protect us from negative individuals.

 @9GM2GSK  from Texas disagreed…8mos8MO

The police are a tool of oppression by a government ruled by the rich. If the police don’t scare you, why own a gun? The second Amendment exists for a reason. Cops kill.

 @9GYTV2N  from California disagreed…7mos7MO

Top Disagreement

Community is such an important part of being mentally healthy. America does not really value community historically and this is something that should change. If kids were able to find somewhere they really belong and make meaningful connections they would be less likely to commit crimes later in life.


but what if you lived in a place where the cops were defunded and your house got broken into and when you called the cops they put you on HOLD cuz they got no money

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas disagreed…7mos7MO

We wouldn't need to worry about these kind of petty crimes if we actually had well-funded public services and social safety nets that guaranteed access to food, shelter, healthcare, education, transportation, etc. instead of continuing to fund the militarization of the police at the public's expense. Defunding the police won't help on its own, that's why we ALSO need to redirect and increase funding into other public services as well.

 @9H3TJNQRepublican  from Ohio agreed…7mos7MO

Defunding the police would cause chaos. More drugs and theft more murders. Defunding them will mean there will be less. The city of Toledo has had 34 homicides this year already that is 3 a month. Not including all the fights home invasions robberies arsons.

 @9HK9VXVWomen’s Equality  from Illinois agreed…6mos6MO

Currently, less than 20% of 911 phone calls directed for the police get solved. Defunding the police and replacing them with a team that will solve EVEN less than that will cause lots of people to continue to get hurt everyday.

 @9HKD2Y4Independent from Texas disagreed…6mos6MO

I believe the police should be defunded because they choose to over use their power in simple situations even if the situations aren't critical.

 @9HKG2TCPeace and Freedom from Texas disagreed…6mos6MO

The police need intense reform because of their countless and continuous unjust actions against minority groups.

 @9HKDBYK from Illinois disagreed…6mos6MO

If we defund them they will have to work harder to get the money they got defunded back because some cops don't even show up.

 @9HKCTHB from Missouri disagreed…6mos6MO

The framing that defunding the police leads to more crime because they can't solve as many problems is flawed, because the reasons people commit crime is more complicated. If the money spent on policing was put back into communities and focused more on reducing incentives for crime, the problem would be more peacefully and effectively solved.

 @9GT55PGRepublican from Minnesota agreed…7mos7MO

If you defund the police and you get in a situation where someone did something significant enough to kill someone who are you going to call? It will get to a point when they cant afford training new police or afford equipment and there will be practically no cops. If the only people left is hospitals and they are already under a lot of stress and pressure add police calls to it and it will take 45 mins minimum for them to get to you even if someones dying.

 @9GTB3LD from New York agreed…7mos7MO

We should be funding the police for the main reason that if they have better equipment and they have better training to be able to handle high stress situations better that will end in less casualties

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas disagreed…7mos7MO

Literally the exact opposite is happening right now. They keep getting more funds and getting increasingly more militarized, and thus the oppressive and violent brutalization against the public continues to grow. We need less police and more public services.

 @9GT9ZLRRepublican from Michigan agreed…7mos7MO

I agree because Americans are fortunate enough to have police, and people to protect us when we can't protect ourselves.

 @9GRVPDSProgressive from Florida agreed…7mos7MO

Defunding the police it ultimately giving up your safety and putting into your own hands instead of people who are trained to keep the community safe.

 @9GRX6BD from Wisconsin disagreed…7mos7MO

Cops do not need military grade equipment to do their job. Of course there should be cops in general, but not as much as there is.

 @9G3NQ3L from Ohio agreed…8mos8MO

They need protection because they are our protectors. They can't be protectors if they are de-funded.

 @9G3PXMYSocialist  from Nevada disagreed…8mos8MO

They don't protect anybody, they protect the state and private property, that money can be better spent on programs that actually help communities.

 @9G3PSS3 from Nebraska disagreed…8mos8MO

they have failed to protect us, even have gone to kill us. they are not our protectors anymore and need to be defunded and other ways of protection are needed.

 @9G4WHTPRepublican from North Dakota agreed…8mos8MO

I agree, how can the police defend our communities and themselves without funding, the funding for police should be increased if anything.

 @9GRSFND from California agreed…7mos7MO

Police are trained professionals and are necessary to keep peace in communities. Defunding the police is one of the most reckless things a community can do. Look at the exponential spike in crime rates in Chicago for example.

 @9GKGX69 from California agreed…8mos8MO

It does not make sense to defund the people that risk their lives every time they go out, it would give them even less incentive to work.

 @9GMRDTGIndependent from Ohio agreed…8mos8MO

The police keep and maintain order in American society. I can’t imagine life without them, despite their flaws.

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas disagreed…8mos8MO

Police exist to protect the interests of capital; they have no legal or institutional obligation to protect or serve the public. Imagining a world without them is easy: just imagine a world where people's material conditions are met, thus eliminating poverty and solving the root cause of crime, instead of wasting our money and resources on the threats and tactics of state violence to terrorize the poorest and most marginalized of the public.

 @9GNG7S4Green from California disagreed…8mos8MO

I would say that there is no justification to fund the police anymore then we already are. Hundreds of tax dollars are already used to militarize are police and fund a system that is working against the people, especially Black and Brown communities.


I do not believe they protect anyone, they protect the state and private property, that money can be better spent on programs that actually help communities. the police were deigned to hunt and track down people and take them back to where they were being enslaved. Nothing has changed it just looks different. The enslavement is no longer the plantation in the prisons. The police are bullies and the cause of most of the injustice going on along with the poloticians.


 @9GNHDCTSocialist from Oregon agreed…8mos8MO

I think the police system has proven to the people that it does not actually care about helping, and that it is more about keeping society fighting within itself. Especially by committing acts of violence on primarily communities with people of color them.

 @9GSVV95 from North Carolina agreed…7mos7MO

With no police force or armed defense, crime rates will skyrocket and people will die as a result of things such as murder and robbery.

 @9HKH4YZ from Utah disagreed…6mos6MO

police are known for handling situations poorly, if we weren't to defund the police then we should redirect their funding towards training rather than equipment.

 @9HKHQQD from Kansas disagreed…6mos6MO

I agree on that second point, for the most part. I believe that, instead of defunding the police entirely, we should put more effort into improving their protocols and regulations to prevent this supposed poor handling of situations.

 @9GZCYLH from Ohio disagreed…7mos7MO

It has been proven time and again that more police doesn't mean less crime. Increasing community services and helping people is proven to work.

 @9GR98FCfrom Vermont agreed…7mos7MO

They shouldn’t be unarmed because of the person who called is in some sort of not as bad of a danger the other person might have a hidden weapon on them and which if unarmed police go they would be in danger

 @9G3VFXZRepublican from Georgia agreed…8mos8MO

Defunding the Police will only lead to more problems the idea that defunding the police will work has already been proven wrong. In Portland a area of the city was made into a police defunded area. There was mass chaos and no order.

 @9GCQSVY from New York agreed…8mos8MO

Police help keep us safe and risks their lives everyday for us I see no reason why we should start defending them.

 @9G66DXJ from California agreed…8mos8MO

Police are essential to every community and maintaining it's safety, however there are some types of emergencies police officers are unqualified to handle, therefore there should be a number of separate units that specialize in specific emergencies (mental health crisis, suicide, etc.).

 @9FFGGCCIndependent from Colorado agreed…9mos9MO

without them there would be a rampage of unadressed medical emergencies, domestic violence cases and more.


We should not defund the police. We need law and order and cities without it are in turmoil right now with record highs in crime which include murder, burglary, assault, rape and larsons.

 @9GF265ZRepublican from New Jersey agreed…8mos8MO

Imagine if someone broke into your home and you call the police, but no one answers. How would you feel then?

 @9G66TFQ from New York agreed…8mos8MO

Defunding the police is the fastest way to more injustice throughout the United States. All emergency services should be fully funded.

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas disagreed…8mos8MO

 @9G2FH7S from North Carolina agreed…8mos8MO

If we defund the police, anarchy will run rampant in the streets with everyone trying to assume power over the other and crime will run rampant in the streets as well. The police are necessary to keep balance and law between everyone.

 @9H52WP6from Maine agreed…7mos7MO

It’s unrealistic to believe defunding the police is an effective solution to police violence. Defunding police departments will only increase crime rates across the country. While the police system isn’t perfect it’s the most effective solution to a complex problem.

 @9G886ZX from Pennsylvania agreed…8mos8MO

If we don't have armed police we still have armed citizens and we lose control over the populous in cases of violence.


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