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 @9F89Q7GIndependent  from Utah disagreed…9mos9MO

Top Disagreement

Guns cause harm. Having more guns in people's hands only increases the chances of gun-caused harm to our children.

 @9F9P65M from South Carolina disagreed…9mos9MO

Guns don't kill people. People kill people. Pencils don't write papers. People write papers. A sane, properly trained teacher with a gun is a very safe and good idea to have in schools for self defense.

 @9GGCD4N from Georgia commented…7mos7MO

problem with this is by the time the teacher can pull out the gun to to stop the mad-man with agun, some people have probably been hurt, some killed, even. I wouldn't necessarily oppose this measure but there are probably better measures like posting police at schools and doing thorough background checks on people who buy guns.

 @9F9M2XD from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

I will feel safer know my teacher has a 9mm in the room with me. As long as the teacher went through train background checks and has a safe with a code or a holster to store it. I feel like this will lower the threat of school shooting. I will be honest, the people who say that guns kill aren’t thinking straight. The gun is merely a tool, it’s the one using it that’s the killer. The UK banned guns and then they switch to knifes. So if we are to go by the logic the left side is pushing we should surrender our guns, after it was guns that won this nation form the British. And I say if the government tried to take power like what’s it’s doing now then we have a right to defend ourselves from them. Just as the founding fathers did and that’s why they wrote it in there.

 @9GGCD4N from Georgia commented…7mos7MO

Banning guns is stupid as **** . I say this as a liberal, and the measures you propose (that being extensive background checks, training, etc...) is something I agree with, though the police would probably do a better job.

 @9F9QJDN from Ohio disagreed…9mos9MO

incase of a shooter or threat teachers can protect and defend themselves or students. even if one day a teacher go's crazy and tries shooting up the school the other teachers can help.

 @9F9Q2V6Green from California disagreed…9mos9MO

If an armed intruder welcomes themselves on campus the teachers would be able to scare the intruder, maybe, and protect the kids.

 @9F84L34 from Alabama disagreed…9mos9MO

Teachers and/or students can take that weapon and use it. It's not safe. Having a loaded gun around children is the epitome of stupid.

 @9F8QQWD from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

They would likely be carrying concealed, and assuming you require carrying concealed if they do choose to carry, no one would know. Also, this is already a common occurrence with colleges in Texas. Even students can carry guns on college campuses, yet you see no college shootings involving what you state.

 @9F7Z7GK from Michigan disagreed…9mos9MO

There is no need for a violent weapon to be in schools. It causes more fear and danger than protection.

 @9F8QQWD from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

We use guns to protect everything else we believe to be important. Also if the gun were carried concealed like Texas does in college, no one would know, and no one would fear. An armed gunman who's unable to be stopped is a lot scarier than a teacher you trust carrying a gun that you can't see.

 @9F7P58N from Massachusetts disagreed…9mos9MO

If fully trained police officers who carry a weapon for the job, are shooting people wrongfully when feel wrongly threatened, teachers can do it too. Knowing what could happen, and with the natural human instinct of wanting to protect yourself, they might pull the trigger wrongfully and without a proper reason.

 @9F7FSFPIndependent from Florida disagreed…9mos9MO

Having guns available to people who are not highly trained and knowledgeable about a weapon that can kill people is dangerous and unsafe in schools.

 @9F6YW8Y from Illinois disagreed…9mos9MO

That instead of giving teachers guns they should get highly trained and professional security guards

 @9F6VWJH from Colorado disagreed…9mos9MO

I think schools should hire security that have been trained on gun safety so teachers don't have to worry about having to learn how to use a gun.

 @9F6TJZF from Kentucky disagreed…9mos9MO

Assuming that the withholder of the gun is someone with a sound state of mind and is purely only using it for protection, accidents are still possible. Teachers are surrounded by children of all ages on a daily basis. Children should not be in the presence of fire arms

 @9FTP44CIndependent  from New York disagreed…8mos8MO

No, teachers should not be allowed to have guns at school because it could put the students and everyone else at risk because a student or other faculty member could find and it and potentially use it. The teacher that has it could also worry everyone else.

 @9FTQFLL from Michigan agreed…8mos8MO

I agree with this, instead of cutting down school shootings it just makes a way for more of them to happen by giving someone access to a weapon that's already on campus.

 @9FVVKZX from Kentucky agreed…8mos8MO

I agree. The school states there are no weapons allowed I think that should go for students and teachers regardless if they are licensed carriers. You never know someone's intentions.

 @9FV49LC from California agreed…8mos8MO

Teachers shouldn't be allowed to have gun at school because you never know if even the teachers are trustworthy enough. It's best to have a security guard who is trained and capable of being armed.

 @9FZSQ72 from California agreed…8mos8MO

I agree with the comment. I don't think having a firearm would be safe. If they want to have a firearm on campus they should hire a trained individual to handle it not a teacher, also kids could get hold of the gun or another faculty member. If they want to protect themselves hire a security guard or make the campus more secured.

 @9FX7PHCDemocrat  from Pennsylvania disagreed…8mos8MO

There are teachers that absolutely do not have the training and cannot be trusted with weapons in a school, there should be certain armed individuals that are experienced,but not teachers. There could be accidentally discharges that could harm students and in the end it’ll be more devastating than beneficial.

 @9FX8KHK from Connecticut disagreed…8mos8MO

The argument is not about forcing teachers to be armed, it is about allowing teachers to be armed. That distinction that you obfuscated is key. No one would carry a firearm if they are not comfortable with it.

Negligent discharges just do not happen if a firearm is carried properly. A firearm (unless it is severely damaged) does not fire unless the trigger is pulled. If carried properly, the trigger cannot be pulled unless the carrier wants it to be pulled.

A teacher has the same Second Amendment rights guaranteeing their right to self-preservation as anyone else. They do not lose those…  Read more

 @9FX8CDV from New York agreed…8mos8MO

Yes, and a kid could have knowledge of where the gun is stored and use it on a student or a teacher. It's just not safe because you never know what could happen.

 @9F6P7RS from Wisconsin disagreed…9mos9MO

How can students feel safe knowing that teachers have a gun on them, yes it can be for protection but how can we trust that is how they are going to use it for that.

 @9GCSKP3  from North Carolina disagreed…8mos8MO

The less guns in school, the better. If teachers have a gun, a student could steal it and gain access to it a lot easier then normal. there is also the fact that, teachers can go crazy and kill kids too. Guns in school was the issue, adding more isn't the solution.

 @9GCYLCQ from California agreed…8mos8MO

Adding armed security to school grounds sounds like the best issue, not just one armed security guard but multiple. additionally, they should be trained and over go mental screening before having said position.

 @PoliticalLeo_60Green from Indiana disagreed…8mos8MO

Schools are meant to be safe, nurturing environments conducive to learning. The presence of armed guards could potentially create a climate of fear and anxiety. Imagine, for instance, a scenario where a child makes an innocuous but sudden movement and it's misinterpreted as a threat by an overly cautious guard. The consequences could be dire.

 @9GCTFCN from Kansas agreed…8mos8MO

I agree with this statement. More guns is not the answer. The only people on school property that should be allowed access to firearms are police officers or trained security guards

 @9GCV8DWPeace and Freedom from California agreed…8mos8MO

I agree that adding more guns will just cause more issues and make things easier to access. Also if it comes down to it a teacher might have to shoot a kid in order to protect themselves and that is not what you sign up for when you become a teacher. Also most teachers don't know how to operate a gun making it even more unsafe.

 @9GCY5FZ from North Carolina agreed…8mos8MO

I agree with this solution a lot, teachers don´t need a gun, their job is to teach, police or guards should carry a gun on school grounds not a teacher in a class room surrounded by children.

 @9GT5MSY  from Iowa disagreed…7mos7MO

Regardless of whether having guns in the school is more dangerous or even if the teacher is properly trained. Teachers teach. They didn't sign up to potentially have to discharge a firearm at another human being or possibly a child. This isn't something that is fair to expect of them especially given how poorly they are paid.

 @9GT6KT5from Virgin Islands agreed…7mos7MO

Yes i completely agree, we should work into preventing school shootings with gun control, better education and a friendlier school environment. We should not expect teacher to have weapons (they should not have them in general at school).

 @9GT6MN2Democrat from California agreed…7mos7MO

The solution to gun violence is not to hand out more guns, it is to stop the selling of automatic weapons and other unnecessary firearms to the public who have to real use them. If a citizen argues for protection or hunting they can be allowed a handgun or a rifle, if they argue they need a higher tech weapon to hunt they should be advised to find a new hobby. When the framers were writing the constitution they did not anticipate the sale of automatic weapons to the public. They wrote the second amendment in order to allow people living in a time of war with no real military to protect themselves and fight. If every wants to fight for the "second amendment right" they can have a 1700s musket.

 @9GT6SDV from Utah disagreed…7mos7MO

It is important to be prepared for any situation, and with a gun the teacher could effectively save the children from a shooter without sacrificing themselves, or loosing students.

 @9GT6LK7Democrat from California disagreed…7mos7MO

I think the only reasonable way a teacher should fire a gun at a student or other teacher is when either them and or their students are in danger from a possible threat and they need to protect them and other people.

 @9FP4ZLP  from California disagreed…8mos8MO

Guns cause harm. Having more guns in people's hands only increases the chances of gun-caused harm to our children.

 @9FS775LDemocrat from North Carolina agreed…8mos8MO

I am agreeing with them, everything should be done in the country to maintain people's safety, and the state should be very strict in these aspects.

 @9FS7FW3Constitution from Pennsylvania disagreed…8mos8MO

Trained and armed teachers have a much faster response time than local police. On average, Police response to active shooters is around 3-5 minutes. A teacher who knows how to use a firearm can end that threat much quicker, as well as the fact that having guns around is a deterrent for any would be terrorists.

 @9FS7LCC from Colorado agreed…8mos8MO

I agree with the statement, I believe that those who are authorized to carry a weapon (police, military, security, etc.) are the only ones who need them in school environments.

 @9FNBCZT  from Virginia disagreed…8mos8MO

Arming teachers could potentially be giving easier access to a gun for a child. Considering some teachers might not be safe with their firearms.

 @9GBMQNQ  from California disagreed…8mos8MO

Arming teachers won't make the kids in school any safer, I believe that this might increase the risk of danger to them. How do we know what happens in closed doors, and having a gun in an area with kids potentially aged from 4 till 18 should be unacceptable.

 @9GBN3GBfrom Northern Mariana Islands agreed…8mos8MO

You can't assume teachers are any more stable than the kids they teach. The more guns there are in schools, the more chances there are for misuse of them. A better idea would be to have a few teachers certified to use guns. Then, have a couple of gun safes located in the schools in different areas. In the event of a problem, those certified to use guns, who have had the training, and who hold the keys, can act according to the threat.

 @9GBNJ8L  from California agreed…8mos8MO

I agree with this, I think there should be highly trained security around school grounds that will help in times of need. However, guns in areas with underaged kids is not acceptable and does not ensure anyone's safety. If there was a time where the gun accidentally went off, who's to say it wouldn't accidentally harm a kid or the teacher? Guns should not be admissible in an area with kids as it would increase the risk of danger much more and could be more harmful than helpful.

 @9FWKFYV  from Colorado disagreed…8mos8MO

Teachers are supposed to be role models for kids while ensuring they are learning and getting an education in a safe environment. When they are armed, the mere presence of guns will turn that into an unsafe space.

 @9FWLB9H from California agreed…8mos8MO

i agree, anytime time a gun is in any presence, fear runs. would students feel safe with a teacher who has a gun. what about a teachers mental health, they probably have issues and no one could know.

 @9FWL8QH from California agreed…8mos8MO

I think a gun inside a school is a contradiction of trying to stop school shootings because it would provide a high risk for school shootings having the firearm on campus.

 @9GTDNXM  from Nevada disagreed…7mos7MO

School is not a place for violence, and allowing guns would put too much risk into a school's hands. What would happen if a student got a hold of a firearm? What if the teacher uses it against a student? How will parents feel if they know every teacher has a gun in their classroom? There are too many factors to put into consideration that it isn't worth to allow.

 @9GKKGDV  from Virginia disagreed…7mos7MO

It is an easy way to kill more children and very easily teaches kids that violence is the answer. It is the exact opposite of gun control and would further lead America into even more violence. Many teachers aren't trained with guns anyways. It also encourages school shooters to kill people because school shooters wouldn't ever fear death, they only care about the killing of other people. Arming teachers in schools is the most shortsighted, brain dead, and evil idea to countering gun violence,


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