Try the political quiz

61 Replies

 @9GMVXFH  from California disagreed…8mos8MO

Why should the US cast away the greatest alliance in the history of Mankind? Isolationism is a fool’s ideology, which failed the Ming Empire, the Japanese, and pre-war US. When threats are knocking at the door, it would be idiotic to hide under your bed sheets and hope they go away. Why should the US do that on the Geopoltical stage, ceding the far east the communist China and Eastern Europe to Putin’s Russia.

 @9GLRGJ3 from Florida disagreed…8mos8MO

Having such a large military alliance benefits every nation that is a part of it and reduces the risk of war

 @9GJMSCW from Virginia disagreed…8mos8MO

Firstly, NATO's core principle of collective defense acts as a powerful deterrent, ensuring that any attack on one member is considered an attack on all, which has effectively discouraged potential aggressors and supports the US-led international order. Moreover, the alliance has adapted to confront modern security challenges, including terrorism, cyber threats, and hybrid warfare, thereby playing a pivotal role in crisis management and conflict resolution. We have much to learn from each other. Its historical role in maintaining peace and stability in Europe is also undeniable. While there may be calls for reform, NATO's proven adaptability stands as a strong argument for its continued relevance as an essential institution for many member states.

 @9CLWDVD  from Michigan disagreed…9mos9MO

NATO is the only serious guarantor of security in the western hemisphere. Without it the Europe will become a more violent continent.

 @9GJLKGF from California disagreed…8mos8MO

NATO is an important aspect of the strength of the Western world. It helps stabilize the West, the World and hence the United States. Without NATO, Russia and China and their partners would have more power over the West.

 @9GFVGXKLibertarianfrom Guam disagreed…8mos8MO

The Invasion of Ukraine by Russia in 2022 is adequate proof itself that NATO is a necessary force based in general Western ideals such as democracy and cooperation to counteract authoritarian powers in the East.

 @9G8RJVB from California disagreed…8mos8MO

What would be left if NATO was abolished? What would be stopping Putin from invading the Baltic countries? Annexing Belarus? Overwhelming Ukraine, then going into Central Europe and essentially making another Iron Curtain? NATO is a mutual defence organization that ensures that countries are committed to defending each other.

 @9GW8FWG from Alabama disagreed…7mos7MO

NATO was created to protect the west against the USSR, while it has fallen, current Russia is essentially the same enemy, while less formidable.

 @9FLPK45 from Washington D.C. disagreed…9mos9MO

the russian invasion of ukraine since 2014 is the best example to demonstrate the value of NATO. the expected invasion of taiwan by china is the next best example. the best evidence to support NATO is the trade and security values the US and other counties get from being members.

 @9FLHWBT from Michigan disagreed…9mos9MO

Russia continues to be a major threat, and overall NATO provides a stronger and safer world in the case of terrorism.


Why are you trying to get rid of an organization that ties us closer to Europe? Without Allies and in a world that'd be against the U.S., we would have no chance to survive as our reliance on interdependence is too great in the modern day to resort back to isolationism and still thrive.

 @9GK84WF from Nevada disagreed…8mos8MO

The Russians invaded Ukraine precisely because they're not in NATO. Putin will never stop attempting to forcibly rebuild the Russian Empire, but he will only target former Soviet nations who aren't in NATO.

 @9FP7G5CWomen’s Equality from Michigan disagreed…9mos9MO

because USA is one of the most potent nations and NATO help the pace in the world : if USA go out to the NATO there are more possibilities that this nation make war against another nation. If USA start a war would involve whole the world = World War.

 @9GYY6SZ from Oregon disagreed…7mos7MO

NATO, though its purpose has waned since the collapse of the Soviet Union, serves as an important proponent of American foreign policy and serves to ensure democracy and American interests within and without its territories. That is not to say that NATO's role shouldn't be questioned; its use and abilities should be kept in check and monitored by the nation who are a part of it. Its use in 2001, though not ideal proved some of its strength; and its stance in the Russo-Ukrainian war proved beneficial. Within that, of course, it also ties America closer to other nations. America must defend her interests, as any nation would, and for that reason we must support NATO for ourselves and the world.

 @9FZM7TL from Idaho disagreed…8mos8MO

It is important to ensure the protection of all countries willing to help those around them and work towards peace.

 @9FWFMK5Republican from Idaho disagreed…9mos9MO

we made a deal with the other countries and if we abolish NATO then we are abolishing our trust in all other countries that are currently in NATO

 @9GX92RP from Texas disagreed…7mos7MO

Many of them believe NATO to be antithetical to global peace and stability, environmentally destructive, and an obstacle to nuclear disarmament.

 @9GJTDXZDemocrat  from Florida disagreed…8mos8MO

As it stands, NATO is the strongest deterrant to an aggresive and authorotarian Russia and their facist and imperalist ambitions. Without NATO, Russia would seek military action or even invasion of neighboring countries in order to advance their ambitions and risk not only snuffing out democracy and freedom in Europe, but theraten the US and their interests abroad. NATO is the only thing preventing Putin from attacking the baltics states and Poland.

 @9GHJP7W from North Carolina disagreed…8mos8MO

NATO fulfill a vital function of closely tying allies to our foreign policy, limiting our competitor's influence within our allies and provides critical command and control functions if we are ever to engage in war.

 @9GMVTCQfrom Maine disagreed…8mos8MO

NATO is the only serious guarantor of security in the western hemisphere. Without it the Europe will become a more violent continent.

 @9FQHJK9 from Mississippi disagreed…9mos9MO

We are on the brink of war with Russia and China. Russia president, Putin, called for 3,000 nuclear soldiers to be ready at a moments notice to launch nuclear bombs. China has 8 times as many engineers and Russia 4 times as many engineers as U.S.

 @9NP8LHM  from California disagreed…2wks2W

NATO is extremely useful for the United States, increasing our intelligence capabilities, increases the military preparedness of our allies, and strengthens the bonds of economic cooperation we have already established. For these reasons, it is far from obsolete. While I do believe the United States should have less of a military presence overseas, the amount we work with NATO partner countries should not be decreased or eliminated entirely.

 @9MK73VX  from North Carolina disagreed…1mo1MO

That NATO is to protect us and to protect all those who value democracy and a democratic republic. NATO is for our own good

 @9LZDL4X from Ohio disagreed…2mos2MO

I believe that we do far more for NATO than any other country. I believe that an alliance such as NATO is very necessary, but it only is at it's strength when everyone contributes their fair share.

 @9LRTCK7 from California disagreed…2mos2MO

Without NATO, what is stopping Putin's regime from crushing Ukraine, and then blitzkrieging into Poland, Slovakia, Czechia, Romania, Moldova, etc.?

 @9KY8FH2  from Missouri disagreed…3mos3MO

NATO is an important piece of global security to respond to the issues of increasing security threats to allies of the United States. It doesn't hold the same issues that were had when it was created during the Cold War, which is true, however, we can see that with Russia's invasion of Ukraine, there are still these threats of conventional war that exist.

 @nmoore10 from Kentucky disagreed…3mos3MO

Russia is becoming more dangerous, and the invasion of Ukraine proves this. The argument could have been made before the 2014 invasion of Crimea, but even then I would have disagreed. Today, we also face enemies such as China, Iran, and North Korea in addition, who are grave threats to global security as well as our allies.

 @9KN8GX7 from North Carolina disagreed…3mos3MO

The current invasion that Russia has launched on Ukraine has proven the necessity of NATO in the modern climate of the world. This effectively eliminates Russian influence on the European world, which only benefits the United States.

 @9KMMG7H from New York disagreed…3mos3MO

NATO is the force that has imposed and kept peace in our world since the end of the second world war and it only functions so long as its image is preserved.

 @9JWMSTL from California disagreed…4mos4MO

Russia is dangerous and we need to keep smaller Eastern European countries and their citizens safe from the Russian dictatorship

 @9JWFDQ2Women’s Equality from Texas disagreed…4mos4MO

The best counter-argument is that NATO should be raised and military people usually have family so they would want to stay alive for that family.

 @9J8R6YBRepublican  from Utah disagreed…5mos5MO

With the invasion of Ukraine and Georgia, the meddling in Syria and the Wagner presence across Africa, Russia has proven itself to still be interested in military adventurism and empire building. It is in the United States' best interest to assist in the defense of smaller, weaker democracies bordering Russia if we, as a nation, are interested in such ways of governance flourishing even in the face of powerful autocracies.

 @9H4H2GF from New York disagreed…7mos7MO

The purpose of NATO is to act as a deterrent towards other more developed and militarily advanced nations.

 @9M2RNL5Republican from Indiana disagreed…2mos2MO

It is not obselete, if something happens to one of the countries in NATO, then it is a sure security system in which we can stand for each other and be safe. It's not overexaggerated, it is very much real and can help the country to help itself and others to protect against terrorists and wars.

 @9LTL6KK from Virginia disagreed…2mos2MO

If NATO is abolished then the United States would not have the allied nations to help with our military and economy.

 @9LPQJXR from Ohio disagreed…2mos2MO

NATO ensures smaller countries are not subject to invasion by oppressive governments, it allows the citizens of nations apart of NATO to feel safe.

 @9G3C7KPDemocrat from Connecticut disagreed…8mos8MO

It needlessly provokes Russia, it would remilitarize and sharpen conflicts in the region, and it would cost both Europe and the U.S. a great deal of money.

 @9FVL424 from Illinois disagreed…9mos9MO

NATO provides security guarantees to both ourselves and our allies. Getting rid of NATO certainly won’t help US power, it would make it more expensive to deter Russia, and would significantly harm our foreign relations.

 @9LPB8L2  from California disagreed…2mos2MO

it is not, it is an important component of prosperity in the west and we should take pride in our international cooperation.

 @9LNYCXR from West Virginia disagreed…2mos2MO

Russia's continued invasion of Ukraine and provocation towards western (NATO) countries has proven that now more than ever is a vital time to retain the collective security of NATO, hence why Sweden and Finland were so intent on joining.

 @9H2D5S9 from Florida disagreed…7mos7MO

Ukraine, February 2022. Immediately Sweden and Norway wanted to join NATO to counter Russian aggression.

 @9GBCWN8 from Texas disagreed…8mos8MO

NATO keeps global order and, by extension, ensures global economic prosperity. It also keeps belligerent actors in check. Furthermore, global instability has been increasing, making NATO more relevant than ever.

 @9G3T7SR from California disagreed…8mos8MO

NATO is important to keeping Europe secure and also allowing important allies and advancing military technology.

 @9FXH42R from Massachusetts disagreed…9mos9MO

Nato ensures safety for smaller countries while it is mainly a deterrence it improves relations between certain countries

 @9FZH9Q6 from Texas disagreed…8mos8MO

The Russian invasion of Ukraine has shown that NATO is needed to protect the integrity of the US and its European allies. NATO provides a strong alliance to counter further Russian aggression.

 @9GWHSRMDemocrat from Texas disagreed…7mos7MO

NATO, and within that the Anglosphere, is the absolute cornerstone of the protection of democracy and peace in the Western world. Those who dispute that have neither brains nor good will towards the West.

 @9GMJQK3 from Ohio disagreed…8mos8MO

NATO, is very important in keeping many countries in check and prevent any more obsolete wars in the world, especially Europe,

 @9FFB7SHfrom Virgin Islands disagreed…9mos9MO

NATO is not obsolete. It is the most powerful and functional military alliance. And a stabilizing force by preventing wars again democratic countries. There is a reason why Russia invaded Ukraine and not the Baltics (despite also been part of their empire and having a large Russian minority). NATO main weakness are countries that didn't learn the lessons of world war 2 or bad faith auth countries inside the alliance (veto rights should be abolished).

 @9GMGCZQ from Washington disagreed…8mos8MO

Yes, If we are to leave NATO, we are to be a easy target for our adversaries because we would have no-one from other NATO countries besides our allies to help us.


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