Try the political quiz

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 @LovingS0cialJustic3Libertarian from Ohio disagreed…9mos9MO

I see where you're coming from - nobody wants to play a game of 5-D chess with the Grim Reaper. But let's rewind the tape a bit. Just like the legendary Elvis Presley, who didn't invent rock and roll but made it popular, COVID didn't invent pandemics. Remember the 2009 H1N1 flu pandemic? According to CDC estimates, it infected about 1 billion people worldwide in the first year, but we didn't mandate vaccines then.

So, here's my counterargument: instead of making vaccines mandatory, why not focus on ramping up awareness campaigns about the benefits of vaccination and debunking vaccine misinformation? The carrot might just work better than the stick. What do you think about this approach?

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