Try the political quiz

28 Replies

 @9L3DWG3 from Georgia disagreed…2mos2MO

Teachers and faculty need to have diversity training so they can deal with students that are different.


America is such a huge and diverse place I think we encounter very many people other than ours and I think teachers should be able to at least understand Spanish or small parts of it and be able to understand and be able to acknowledge other students of other parts of culture or be willing to learn.

 @9FPMD5H from Texas agreed…8mos8MO

I would throw up statistics that teachers are only making around $50,000 a year and that they end up working longer hours than a lot of office jobs between tutoring and then if they sponsor an organization or coaching a sport. All of this time and then you have to add a whole day that is specifically for this training for a group of people who already have to deal with so much crap and being underpaid on top of everything.

 @9H5K3DB from Hawaii disagreed…6mos6MO

Many people say they do but they dont because in college and most high school classes they teach while in class.

 @9GLPYQ6Republican from Florida disagreed…7mos7MO

Some people might say that teachers need to have Faculty Diversity Training but they do not because most colleges do teach this during the classes.

 @9GBWNSZRepublican from West Virginia disagreed…8mos8MO

What are the chances of misidentifying an action and creating a problem? Much higher without the knowledge of culture.

 @9G676V7Women’s Equality from Texas disagreed…8mos8MO

That this should help teachers interact with people from all different communities to provide a safe learning environment for these kids.

 @9FY7K56 from California disagreed…8mos8MO

Teacher and faculty diversity training can significantly improve cultural competence among educators. This training exposes them to diverse perspectives and experiences, helping them better understand and connect with students from various backgrounds. When teachers are more culturally competent, they can create a more inclusive and welcoming classroom environment, ultimately benefiting all students.

Reduced Bias and Stereotyping: One of the primary goals of diversity training is to reduce implicit biases and stereotypes that educators may hold. Research has shown that these biases can negativ…  Read more

 @9F7F87Q from Massachusetts disagreed…9mos9MO

Discrimination in schools will take away educational learning opportunities and further marginalize already marginalized peoples

 @9F4T495Independent from Nebraska disagreed…9mos9MO

there is already a lot of discrimination on teachers that parents don't know about and it usually goes unpunished so it is a good idea to ensure that most if not all discrimination is taken out of the equation


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