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644 Replies

 @9GT53BX  from Nevada disagreed…7mos7MO

Top Disagreement

Why should gay couples have any less rights to adoption than straight people? If a couple passes all background checks and meets all the requirements then they should be allowed to adopt a child, no matter the gender identity or sexual orientation of the couple.

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington disagreed…3mos3MO

Because a father-mother family structure is better for the child, that's why

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…3mos3MO

The thought process is almost exactly the same for single parents, and yet they’re allowed to adopt.

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…3mos3MO

Single parents shouldn't be allowed to adopt either

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…3mos3MO

Well, at least that part is logically consistent, but the adopted child does get a say in the matter very often, and if the parent shows to be stable via the measures required to adopt, I don’t see the problem since so many orphans and kids wouldn’t be as likely to be adopted if single parents were out of the program.

 @9GYTKTS from Idaho agreed…7mos7MO

I completely agree, gay couples are couples like any other and deserve the rights to adopt children.

 @9H2HR9L from Pennsylvania disagreed…7mos7MO

ANYONE should be able to adopt a child if they are a good parent. People want to love someone else, that's great! But if they can't have a biological kid, and want one of their own, I think that is beautiful, because they know what love is.

 @9FSXPS8 from Nebraska disagreed…8mos8MO

LGBTQ parents are exactly the same as parents who are not apart of the LGBTQ community. As long as they treat the kid right and give it a good home that's all that matters.

 @9FVTLDR from Indiana disagreed…8mos8MO

Same-sex partners can care for a child just as good as heterosexual partners, also there is an abundance of children in the foster system and adoption system that need to be adopted and given a good life, and same-sex partners fill the position very well by adding more people available to adopt children

 @9FZ5WYS from Florida disagreed…8mos8MO

If they are financially stable and mentally prepared, there is no justified reason to not allow them to adopt children.

 @9G9TXDY from Tennessee disagreed…8mos8MO

LGBTQ parents are the same as normal parents, as long as the kid is happy and treated well that’s all that matters.

 @9GXGW29 from Pennsylvania disagreed…7mos7MO

Everyone is a person and deserves equal rights to persue happiness. LGBT are identities, not a crime.

 @9G5873X from Idaho disagreed…8mos8MO

Anyone who passes a background check, mental health checks, or has enough money to have a child should be able to adopt.


If they are financially stable and mentally prepared, there is no justified reason to not allow them to adopt children.

 @9GWT8JP from New York disagreed…7mos7MO

There is no evidence suggesting that having 2 same sex parents harms a child any more than 2 opposite sex parents. As long as they are subjected to the same background checks, mental health assessments etc. there should be no reason to discriminate them from adoption.

 @9FZPLY8 from California disagreed…8mos8MO

I am personally part of the LGBTQ+ community and I am in a queer relationship. We are looking forward to adopting children because we aren't able to produce our own children without a sperm donor and neither of us is willing to carry a child for 9 months, potentially destroying our bodies. We are both actors and being pregnant could prevent jobs in the future. We still dream of being parents and we would be no worse parents than a straight couple would be. There is no reason why my ability to have and take care of children should be limited.

 @9GT6KTB from North Carolina disagreed…7mos7MO

Why does the gender of ones parents matter? If the people who want to adopt are proven to be efficient parents, then I don't see the problem.

 @9GSXQYV from Idaho disagreed…7mos7MO

That is just wrong. That is very discriminatory. Everyone should have the same adoption rights no matter what their sexuality is.

 @9GSDMZL from Washington disagreed…7mos7MO

Just because 2 men are kissing doesn't mean any kids they adopt are gonna suffer. Hell ive seen more healthy lgbtq families than straight families.

 @9GP5CJM from Illinois disagreed…7mos7MO

If a gay couple has met all of the qualifications and requirements to become an adopted parent, they should be able to do so. The foster system has its flaws. Many kids slip through the cracks and are not given the lives they deserve. The people of America shouldn't risk the safety of its children with the flaws in the system just because they don't agree with two people that are married. If there is a chance the LGBT couple will love a child like he or she is their own, they should be able to adopt said child. Personal vendettas should not affect the life and safety of America's children.

 @9GW2JYQ from Colorado disagreed…7mos7MO

Yes, because everyone should have the same rights, they should have the same opportunities and just because they are the same-sex couple should not change anything.

 @9H53C8Z from Washington disagreed…6mos6MO

Gay couples deserve to have children just as much as straight couples. There is no reason they should not be able to adopt and a child and raise it, they will love that child the exact same. Gay couples are unable to have biological children, this is one of their only options to have a child, same goes for straight couples who are unable to conceive, so why should they not be given equal rights?

 @9H2NTNH from Michigan disagreed…7mos7MO

LGBT are allowed a family just as much as straight couples, they aren't bothering you so why do you care so much?

 @9FJ9PZHPeace and Freedom from Alabama disagreed…8mos8MO

Benefits of LGBT Adoption
The truth is that children of LGBT couples are more accepting of same-sex and non-traditional families.

 @9MX3LPW from New Jersey disagreed…1wk1W

There is no conclusive evidence that LGBT parents are better/worse at raising a child than straight parents. For most LGBT families adoption is their only option to have children. There are an excess of children in the foster system and to limit who can parent them is entirely unfair to their wellbeing.

 @9M3HKXQSocialist from North Carolina disagreed…1mo1MO

There has been no evidence that an LGBT couple would raise a child any different than a heterosexual couple. If they fit the same qualifications as a straight couple in order to adopt, there is no real logical reason as to why they should not have the privilege of adopting.

 @9LY6SDZ from West Virginia disagreed…1mo1MO

Why? How is this even affecting you? Mind your business and let people be happy. Being gay isn’t contagious.

 @9LXSFT3 from Kansas disagreed…1mo1MO

with roughly 113,000 children needing a home in the us alone, why restrict based on sexual orientation. If the home is a warm, safe, loving environment, there should be no issue.

 @9LS5Y7JProgressive from Texas disagreed…1mo1MO

People should be allowed to adopt children because two men, two women, or whomever, can be just as good parents as any same-sex couple can, no matter what.

 @9LRTS4M from Louisiana disagreed…1mo1MO

LGBTQ+ citizens deserve all the same rights as straight couples. As long as they offer a safe environment for the children, they should be allowed to adopt. Everyone is equal.

 @9L264NK from Illinois disagreed…2mos2MO

Why should gay couples have any less rights to adoption than straight people? If a couple passes all background checks and meets all the requirements then they should be allowed to adopt a child, no matter the gender identity or sexual orientation of the couple.

 @9KVB3MS from California disagreed…3mos3MO

People shouldn't be discriminated against due to their sexual orientation, especially because it gives no indication of how a child will be raised.

 @9JS78CGIndependent from Pennsylvania disagreed…4mos4MO

Because nobody has the right to adopt, our opposition to anti-gay adoption bills is not based on “gay rights” and we should not frame our arguments that way.

 @9JP9V2M from Maryland disagreed…4mos4MO

Couples of the opposite sex are not all fit for the position to raise an adopted child or children relating to the LGBT community.

 @9JH9RC6from Maine disagreed…4mos4MO

Even if you think a child should have a mother and a father, surely two fathers or two mothers is better than no parents whatsoever.

 @9JH3ZRQ from North Carolina disagreed…4mos4MO

The adoption rights of gay couples should be allowed and permitted. Our society is moving forwards and does not have to stay the same through our society.

 @9J2BHJ9 from Iowa disagreed…5mos5MO

If straight couples are allowed to adopt, give me one good reason why a happy gay couple can't start their own family if they wish?

 @9HZPYTP from Virginia disagreed…5mos5MO

Who tf are you to tell people they can't raise a child? I understand if you believe the parental figures should be a man and a woman, but unfortunately for you: that isn't required. Respect your fellow citizens.

 @9HPG9NY from Michigan disagreed…6mos6MO

There is currently no reputable statistical measure that suggests LGBT or non-heterosexual adoptive parents are inferior to heterosexual parents (per 2004 American Psychological Association findings), and there are still plenty of children that would benefit from an adoptive home instead of foster systems or orphanages.

 @9HJZFZYIndependent from Texas disagreed…6mos6MO

why not give them the same rights if they're just people like heteros. we all die none of this matters.

 @9LTV5SC from California disagreed…1mo1MO

A person who is not married to another individual who wishes to be a single mother or father is legally allowed to adopt a child, but an individual who is LGBTQ is not?

 @9GSCB96 from Texas disagreed…7mos7MO

People are people. There are a lot more cases of child abuse by parents in staright marriges, than in same sex marriges. This is a law based upon religion, and should not be continued.

 @9HZFV63Peace and Freedom from California disagreed…5mos5MO

Who said families have to be perfect, no family is perfect, no mother and father are perfect, and if they were the same gender- even with that inperfection they would still have the love and support that any other family has.

 @9GRG6DX from Wisconsin disagreed…7mos7MO

If they are financially stable and mentally prepared, there is no reason they couldn't adopt a child who needs a home. The only thing that matters is that the kid is happy.

 @9GSHYQK from Florida disagreed…7mos7MO

What if a heterosexual couple who the man is a drug dealer or the woman is a prostitute and has no stable house while the gay couple has well-paying jobs and a stable house. You would give the child to the hetero couple than the gay couple?

 @9G9HKM3 from Florida disagreed…8mos8MO

They're people too. Just because they sexually orient themselves differently does not make them much more different to any of us. It also does not make them any less capable of having a loving family.

 @9G8W2G8 from North Carolina disagreed…8mos8MO

What makes LGBT adoption of children different than straight adoption? If you believe that these people will indoctrinate children, then remember that straight couples can and do the same all the time.

 @9FNYSZ6Republican from Illinois agreed…8mos8MO

Mothers nurture, protect, and care for the child. Fathers protect, provide, and lead the child. With out a father a child is more likely to end up in jail.


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