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18 Replies

 @9FL89SJ agreed…8mos8MO

The amount of technology in one’s cellphone, in household products like teflon in pans and more all came from technology that was initially studied in space, and then spun off. If we want humanity’s technological development to continue, especially in flight, transportation and the ability to survive and thrive during disasters and in non ideal conditions we have to keep investing in the agency with the track record of developing such technology we all will find we’re benefiting from in 50 years time

 @9GW4QYG from Texas disagreed…7mos7MO

NASA is far from a necessary program as cool as it is. It should definitely not be a priority of the government which should rather focus on maintaining the world we have right now.

 @9FLB4D4from Guam agreed…8mos8MO

NASA is the best equiped company with the longest history in space exploration. while our governments continue to argue over the viability of our planet we should be forging ahead with space exploration to not only create an American foothold in space but also to have a contingency plan in case our planet is no longer habitable.

 @9GYWVLR  from Oklahoma disagreed…7mos7MO

no one lives in space. the only useful space program managed by nasa is the DART system which I wouldn't be apposed to transfering some funds too


Unless something massively helpful is found in space, I see no need to invest a ton of government money into it.

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…8mos8MO

Then the existence of Helium-3 on the moon, along with gold, uranium, and several other valuable resources on the moon should be more than enough. Not to mention that the very existence of other planets that we can use as a backup for our species is already massively useful. If we just get a sustainable base on one planet, our chances of extinction drop to near 0.

 @9FNP8R4Peace and Freedom from Nevada disagreed…8mos8MO

There is no use in increasing NASA's current budget, if there are people who need it to survive. NASA should currently provide more into the environment then on space.

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…8mos8MO

They use their own technologies to help us measure the environment too, NASA's range is wide and has a massive lack of funding. We need to at the very least triple it's funding to make it a competitive option, as we hardly spend 1/200 of our budget on space travel as a whole.

 @9MYDY3HIndependent from Michigan disagreed…7 days7D

Flat earth so space isn't real. Not saying I believe this, just a counter argument to increasing space exploration funding.

  @Spartan0536 from Florida agreed…2wks2W

If NASA's budget were to be increased from its current 0.48% (yes its really that LOW) to just 1% we would see some MAJOR positive changes to how fast things get built, and the quality of what is built. This will also allow NASA to hire more people which means more high paying and highly skilled jobs.

 @9LZ76K8 from Michigan disagreed…1mo1MO

We need to drastically increase the budget for ways to save this planet for all humanity and animals and plants to survive.

 @9KK5QTR from Utah agreed…3mos3MO

NASA is improving the world, one step at a time, because a government company cares about the people in a country.

 @9H3ZP35 from Michigan agreed…7mos7MO

Look at SpaceX, how much our technological understanding and capabilities have increased over the past 5 years alone. Sure its run by Elon Musk, but if you cant see the benefits they have provided then I dont know how sensible of a person they might be.

 @9GVV7KBProgressive from Texas agreed…7mos7MO

It is important, and there are things the government is spending money on that is far less important.


The united states has many more problems to deal with than advancing space travel, climate problems, and the national debt are examples of such problems.

 @9GNV7GSLibertarian from Tennessee disagreed…7mos7MO

Seriously, we have massive social, economic, and humanitarian issues here and all over the planet. We can use the same budget, same geniuses, and fix what we can here where we live. Instead of shooting billions and billions of dollars into the nothingness of space.

 @9GBJHVQDemocrat from Rhode Island disagreed…8mos8MO

We need to focus on more pressing issues right now. It's not like Earth is going to blow up and we need to relocate now.

 @9GTTSNKIndependent from Illinois agreed…7mos7MO

The development of the Satélite and basic space travel has drastically improved our lifestyle, with services like GPS providing a boost to our economy and standard of living. There are also millions of dollars worth of resources such as precious metals, helium-3, etc, on asteroids and the Moon


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