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 @9F8BLRC  from New York disagreed…9mos9MO

Top Disagreement

It is an essential part of history and explains much of our country, and all other countries backgrounds. No person is not affected by it. How can we do better if we don’t learn from the past mistakes and the systems that enabled those abuses.

 @9FCLG9RRepublican from California disagreed…9mos9MO

Critical Race Theory in itself, is racist. Teaching history is essential, but teach it the way it actually happened and do not insert any racial agenda. Things happened the way they did and that's all there is to it. This country will never get over racism and slavery because we seen to have a terrible problem with letting it go. Let it go.

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…9mos9MO

First thing’s first, it’s a college level class so it’s not being taught in K-12 schools in the first place. Second, it’s stated to be a theory, a theory that the institutions in society still hold a racial bias, especially the justice system. I’ve found that to be true in the lives of so many people, and it’s not something that liberals are “holding onto”, it’s something society still prevalent in so many ways. That’s the problem right now, the activism is there, but it’s doing little to nothing all while the actual deep rooted problems are left untouched.

 @SpiritedJellyfishSocial Justice from Connecticut disagreed…8mos8MO

Manhattan Institute surveyed 1,500 Americans aged 18 to 20 on topics related to CRT and gender ideology.

Ninety-three percent of respondents said that they had heard about at least one of eight CSJ concepts from a teacher or other adult at school, including “white privilege,” “systemic racism,” “patriarchy,” or the idea that gender is a choice unrelated to biological sex. Additionally, 90% of respondents had heard about at least one CRT concept and 74% about at least one radical gender concept.

 @9JWKMCJ from California disagreed…4mos4MO

 @9F99KWBRepublican from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

Racism is taught and is not a trait that is in every generation. If racism was not talked about it would die down.

 @76KRRQ3  from New York commented…7 days7D

"If racism was not talked about it would die down."

It's incredibly sad that with all the knowledge we have in 2024, people are still trapped in their bubbles enough to actually believe this

 @9F9NDDHDemocrat from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

Presenting the Critical Theory to students in K-12 may raise a higher level of misunderstanding. It can be agreed that racism and discrimination are wrong but neither is racially motivated propaganda. There is much more to life than just the color of our skin. Instead, students should be taught a set of morals rather than just focusing on one aspect.

 @76KRRQ3  from New York commented…7 days7D

"racially motivated propaganda"

As in? What would realistically be included in a curriculum of CRT, that most people would agree was also propaganda?

"There is much more to life than just the color of our skin."

POCs want others to believe that to be true more than anyone. The fact that non-POC actions (or inaction) often don't line up with that ideology, is the reason we're all having this conversation in the first place. Or would you rather believe the majority of POC...idk, "want" to be systemically oppressed lol?

 @9F9GBMF from Iowa disagreed…9mos9MO

Critical race theory is driving a wedge between us. We’re teaching young children who siding even understand racism, racism.

 @76KRRQ3  from New York commented…7 days7D

True. Couldn't be the systemic oppression, surely not. It's the acknowledgment of it that's the problem lol. /s

Tf is wrong with you people?

 @9GT9Q45  from New Jersey disagreed…7mos7MO

It’s important for kids to learn the history of race and how it’s affected our country, so that we can move forward as a country and be more inclusive to the point of race not even existing or having an affect on the way our country operates.

 @9GTBN6P from Texas disagreed…7mos7MO

I think that black people are more racist. They want everyone to feel bad for black people . Its not just racism directed towards them.

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas disagreed…7mos7MO

Yes, we cannot end racism until we acknowledge that our institutions, laws, and history are inherently racist

Meanwhile you are here making blanket statements against an entire race...

 @9HZ8L7C  from Colorado disagreed…5mos5MO

And what's interesting is you are making claims that one race deserves more then another...

 @9GTBWKTIndependent from North Carolina disagreed…7mos7MO

It already doesn't have an affect on the way our country operates. To be successful, you work hard, race has nothing to do with it.

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas disagreed…7mos7MO

Yes, we cannot end racism until we acknowledge that our institutions, laws, and history are inherently racist

Race does unfortunately have something to do with it, that's literally the problem with systemic racism and why we should be working to dismantle it.

 @Minarchist-08Libertarian from Washington disagreed…2mos2MO


The only way in which race has something to do with it is that white people, particularly white Christian males, are derided and discriminated against in modern society.

  @Devroe  from Texas disagreed…7mos7MO

Education should be fact based and should teach the full truth. Not a watered down version that aims to make America look better than it is by downplaying its past racism, genocide, and bad policies. Some of these policies are still in effect and continue to marginalize minorities in this country. The only way to fix a problem is to admit there is one and successfully identify it. No change can be made if we are unable to recognize that change needs to happen. And the only way to recognize this is by arming people with the facts.

 @9GRZ79X  from California disagreed…7mos7MO

I think critical race theory is something that needs to be taught. It shows how America in its past and still now is inherently racist and discriminatory against people of color and minority groups.

 @Minarchist-08Libertarian from Washington disagreed…2mos2MO


So-called "minority groups" actually benefit from discrimination in their favor, while white males are discriminated against. 

 @9GS2MGNRepublican from Arizona disagreed…7mos7MO

I think critical race theory should not be taught at such a young age kids that young don't even notice.

 @9GS47VX from Texas disagreed…7mos7MO

Events in history that involved racism and segregation should always be taught in school, however; I do not think that children should have the impression that America as a whole is inherently racist, only certain individuals are.

 @9GS3KPB from Indiana disagreed…7mos7MO

I think that critical race theory shouldn't be taught to kids unless they want it taught to them, some things should be left in history and not be brought up

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...4yrs4Y


 @9GFXS8W  from Texas agreed…8mos8MO

Top Agreement

Critical race theory is something they is very real in our world, the US has always been inherently racist, important to show students of young age how the US acted. The US has always been an oppressive state of colonial power and we still are, noting in the world is going to change if we don't learn from our mistakes that are still happening to this day which they shouldn't be.

 @9GHKYDP from Iowa disagreed…8mos8MO

every race are equal no race is better or worse there is no need to make white kids thing they are inferior because they are white you can just flip the script of what happened 100+ years ago white privlage isnt a thing all races can be getto,gangsters,ect just be a normal human and dont be evil.

 @9GGWBL3 from Oregon disagreed…8mos8MO

The US was not built on racism. It was built by Coloints sure but that was over 200 years ago. We need to calm down and realize that not everything is racist. We shouldn't be raising children to either believe they are horrible because of their skin color or need extra help and assistance because of their skin color. It's wrong. Yes, I feel strongly about this.

 @9GG8KR4Republican from Kansas disagreed…8mos8MO

children do not need to be told that one race is this bad one and the other ones are right and good all this creates is separation and leaves a bad mark on everyone having people grow up to resent one race

 @9GG4CV8  from North Dakota disagreed…8mos8MO

The usa is not an oppressive state. It is like any other country in the world, it has made mistakes. Thankfully, we have been trying to correct these mistakes, however, throwing money at the issue does not fix it. The only way to fix these mistakes is smart legislation and time.

 @9GR44ZCRepublican  from Texas disagreed…7mos7MO

I strongly disagree with the Critical Race Theory, because it is turning children against the U.S. and saying that the U.S. is racist.

 @9GSZ44P from Colorado agreed…7mos7MO

I agree with the comment. Its 2023, black and white people are treated the same. Nobody treats black people bad, statistics show black and colored people commit more crimes then white people. So from a police standpoint, of course cops are going to be more concered with colored people. They cause more issues.



statistics show black and colored people commit more crimes then white people

I don't even have time to get into everything about this comment, but here is a loose summary: This is (1) incorrect and even if it was correct it would be (2) an oversimplification. Do you mean crime in general? Violent crime? Blue-collar crime? (3) If we are speaking generally, statistics show that white people commit more crimes than people of color (though I'll give it to you that it is only slightly more) mostly because it's a numbers game: white people are the majority. Think about how likely it is that the group representing the majority of the U.S. population (white people) would for some reason be the minorityRead more

 @9JJ99LTLibertarianfrom Pennsylvania commented…4mos4MO

In absolute terms, more crimes are committed by whites, but the rates are higher among blacks, at least when it comes to violent crime. This is the main reason why blacks have higher incarceration rates and why they're more likely to get shot by police.

 @9GR5M5S from Maryland agreed…7mos7MO

i agree with this, schools should not be teaching this to kids since especially in k-8 kids are very impressionable and will belive everything they hear even if its not true

 @9GR4RN5 from Arkansas agreed…7mos7MO

I do agree with this statement. I believe a lot of politics/what is being taught in school is dividing the American people. The majority of people (at least the ones I have spoken to) Do not care about critical race theory. All it is doing is dividing our people and causing more issues than there needs to be.

 @9GTFPKV from Colorado agreed…7mos7MO

I support local schools choosing to teach kids what they want in respect to race however I would oppose a local battle against schools to fight critical race theory.

 @9FYS4HXIndependent  from Idaho disagreed…8mos8MO

The Critical Race theory assumes that everyone is inherently racist. We put racism behind us long ago and the people saying that anyone is racist at this point is causing further racism. In our current state, white males are said to be privileged but there are numerous points to prove the opposite and that more opportunities are given to everyone else from all the programs supporting women's, immigrants, racial (Black, Asian, etc.) that white people don't have that at this point, white people are often discriminated against now because of what HALF of the white male population in the USA did Centuries ago.

 @9FYVC8YSocialist from Maine disagreed…8mos8MO

I think the biggest reason we should teach critical race theory is a) not everyone is white, and b) critical race theory just means we are teaching history while being critical of it's inherent bias

 @9FYS4HXIndependent  from Idaho commented…8mos8MO

Bias towards whom? The only Bias would be the people winning the wars vs the people losing them "the winners write history" there isn't bias and at the moment, the history is written as it happened and people have gotten the recognition deserved and rights/amendments have been put in place. Yes we should learn from history, yes we should teach about the slavery, but there's no need to accent it from a "racist" point of view. Our society was built to mesh everyone together and work together but all we're doing is ripping each other apart. By teaching critical…  Read more

 @DecimalPartisanPolarGreen from Washington disagreed…8mos8MO

While it's true that amendments have been made and progress has been achieved, it's important to remember that remnants of past injustices can still have an impact on the present. Critical race theory does not aim to say that all people are racist, but instead it seeks to examine the ways in which systemic racism has shaped and continues to influence societal structures and institutions. For instance, consider the topic of redlining. Though legally abolished, the impact of this discriminatory practice is still visible today in the form of wealth and education gaps. Acknowledging and…  Read more

 @9JJ99LTLibertarianfrom Pennsylvania commented…4mos4MO

Not even half. Slave owners were only a small minority of whites in the southern states and the majority of white Americans ancestors were still in Europe (ex Italians, Irish, Germans, Poles, Jews) at the time the Civil War ended.

 @9H38ZT8 from Michigan disagreed…7mos7MO

white people are often discriminated against now because of what HALF of the white male population in the USA did Centuries ago.

This is rarely ever true. White people aren't facing mass amounts of discrimination and prejudice because of their past. While it is true that discrimination against white people is higher than it was in the past, it is nowhere near a level of actual relevance

 @9GZPMXS  from California disagreed…7mos7MO

and the people saying that anyone is racist at this point is causing further racism

I definitely think people are still racist today and that racism exists. Calling out racism is perfectly acceptable and fine. However, this is not any reason for kids to be taught CRT. No one is inherently racist or inherently disadvantaged because of their race. Saying that is ignorant and causes harm to society by creating further tensions. Calling out individual racist people is fine but calling an entire race of people "racist" is plain idiocy.

 @9GW47R7  from Texas disagreed…7mos7MO

It causes black people to have a victim mentality and puts them in the position everyone is trying to prevent. Everyone should be seen as equal, but when you continue to bring up how different everyone is, it will never go away.


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