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 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...9yrs9Y


 @9FG2GZ6 agreed…9mos9MO

new theories come about of space and dertermines out future, we also must learn about space threats towards earth

 @9F7B5LD from California agreed…9mos9MO

yes, being able to find a new planet imagine the military budget with nasa how far advance could have we have been

 @9G3KSWH from North Carolina agreed…8mos8MO

We need space travel to prepare for the future of humanity and the government is the best way to raise money for it.

 @9FBJ45K from Nebraska agreed…9mos9MO

We have scientific data that there are exo planets that exist in the habital area of there system and terraforming other planets could be possible if we expand our resourses and research.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...9yrs9Y

Yes, and drastically increase NASA’s current budget

 @9FL89SJ agreed…9mos9MO

The amount of technology in one’s cellphone, in household products like teflon in pans and more all came from technology that was initially studied in space, and then spun off. If we want humanity’s technological development to continue, especially in flight, transportation and the ability to survive and thrive during disasters and in non ideal conditions we have to keep investing in the agency with the track record of developing such technology we all will find we’re benefiting from in 50 years time

 @9GW4QYG from Texas disagreed…7mos7MO

NASA is far from a necessary program as cool as it is. It should definitely not be a priority of the government which should rather focus on maintaining the world we have right now.

 @9FLB4D4from Guam agreed…9mos9MO

NASA is the best equiped company with the longest history in space exploration. while our governments continue to argue over the viability of our planet we should be forging ahead with space exploration to not only create an American foothold in space but also to have a contingency plan in case our planet is no longer habitable.

 @9GYWVLR  from Oklahoma disagreed…7mos7MO

no one lives in space. the only useful space program managed by nasa is the DART system which I wouldn't be apposed to transfering some funds too

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...9yrs9Y

No, we should focus on saving the Earth instead of leaving it

 @9GW4QYG from Texas agreed…7mos7MO

The climate is going in the tubes and nothing is really getting done about it. Throw money from NASA at the climate.

 @9LZ76K8 from Michigan agreed…1mo1MO

Understanding and exploring space IS important work but I feel it is MORE important to save OUR PLANET and do all the things we need to in order to concentrate on that more than ever!!!


there is many people on earth, it isn't fair to abandon them, and leave the suffering heat and drowning they would meet, there would also be no recovery if something went wrong in the situation that something goes wrong. where the few people who would leave go, and how would the vastly different planet affect their health.

 @9GNV7GSLibertarian from Tennessee agreed…7mos7MO

Space exploration, is just that. Looking for answers about where and how and when the universe “happened” is wasted time, money, resources, and effort. Knowing how we happened does nothing to help us where we are right now.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...9yrs9Y


 @9FRDVZT from Virginia disagreed…8mos8MO

NASA deserves to be able to explore space. We need to find out more about or solar system so that we can be protected from it and be able to find a new home other than earth in case it fails.

  @DanielKolbin1105Independent  from Indiana commented…8mos8MO

I definitely agree figuring out the universe and exploring matters, but we should also focus on solving problems here on Earth which I don't think we aren't doing enough of.

 @WelfareKangaroofrom Iowa disagreed…8mos8MO

That's a valid point, but it's crucial to remember that many advancements from space research have led to solutions for earthly problems. For instance, technology developed for Mars rovers has been adapted to create autonomous vehicles that could revolutionize transportation. Do you think there's a way to strike a balance between space exploration and addressing earthly concerns, such as using space technology for Earth's benefit?


I think that learning where we are and figuring out the universe we live in matters a lot. I also think with exploration of space we can develop technology, prevent us from things like astroids and possible eruptions.

 @9GTTSNKIndependent from Illinois disagreed…7mos7MO

Space travel has, in the past, given the general public insurmountable good in terms of scientific and technological advancements. It is also our duty to expand into space in order to ensure more economic opportunities in the extreme long term.

 @9GN9Z7B from Ohio disagreed…7mos7MO

Space exploration reaserch has developed very important technologies we use every day regardless of space exploration. We know a lot more because of space exploration. Its also a place of untapped potential

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...9yrs9Y

No, the government should leave human space travel to private companies

 @78MRXTHIndependent  from Illinois disagreed…7mos7MO

I believe that the government and commercial industry have a duty to collaboratively work with one another to ensure that the safest, cleanest, and most efficient modes of travel and industry are used to reach the stars. The government needs to ensure that planetary bodies are not exploited without regard to any naturally existing biomes and with respect to all governing entities. Space absolutely needs to be 100% de-militarized. The government alone does not have the budget to operate independently in space travel. It needs to focus on providing the astronauts and performing the science while commercial parties focus on producing the necessary vehicles and equipment.

 @9GTGLTW from Florida disagreed…7mos7MO

The government should not interfere with the interests of private space exploration companies and the government should only fund their own space travel programs once they get more important issues solved first

 @9GGRXZZDemocrat from Texas disagreed…8mos8MO

Space exploration is a global advancement, and shouldn’t have to be stressed on private companies if it is something everyone gains knowledge of.

 @9G8D5B4 from California disagreed…8mos8MO

Government space exploration kickstarts STEM involvement in the US, setting the foundation for a future America.

 @9FLJJG3 from Maryland disagreed…9mos9MO

the government should not regulate private companies from exploring space travel, but should increase american efforts so that all possible progress is being made

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...9yrs9Y

No, not until we drastically decrease our federal deficit


The amount of money we use on Space Exploration is crazy to find ways to go to outer space even though it won't happen against to launch for who knows how long and we unload money on it.

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…8mos8MO

 @9GBJHVQDemocrat from Rhode Island agreed…8mos8MO

I'm just trying to get my homework done but look up our federal deficit. And then look up what exactly increasing the NASA budget will do. I think it's pretty self explanatory.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...9yrs9Y

No, the government should not fund any space exploration missions

 @9GHDY6F  from Arkansas disagreed…8mos8MO

Space Explorations missions are vital to the future of our species, it will allow us to find more resources and to colonize more lands.

 @9FG2GZ6 disagreed…9mos9MO

Space exploration is a larger contribution to humans on Earth, were running out of space and items on Earth, we must seek out to space.

 @9FPDNXQIndependent from Mississippi disagreed…8mos8MO

Many of our highest collaborative actions, innovations, and our collective imagination have been influenced by our traveling amongst the stars.

 @9FBJ45K from Nebraska disagreed…9mos9MO

Space exploration is our key to humanity even having the possibility to have a longer future. Our own planet is not going to be habitable forever and nethier is our solar system. Plus expanding our knowlage of the universe will give us better understandings of our surviveiblity in the know universe.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...9yrs9Y

No, and NASA’s budget should only be for military missions

 @8M3N9NW from Nebraska answered…4yrs4Y

 @8CVTXN4New Liberty from Texas answered…4yrs4Y

NASA should support private business like SpaceX

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…8mos8MO

But nationalize the industry once they gain the technological advancement to actually make bases on Mars. I will never trust a company to colonize dead planets without the profit motive coming first in their minds.

 @4Z5RZ4Pfrom Vermont answered…4yrs4Y

I believe as a planet, humanity should come together to work on a very big and potentially expansive project, one not meant for colonization, but more so for exploration.
I believe a station should be built (looking much like the death star) that contains multiple habitats, buildings, etc. to house the human race and all known life forms on earth in its genetic and physical make-up, and we should go out, explore the many different planets to discover other intelligent life to learn what we can from them, to expand our own intelligence and understanding of the universe.

 @96259PT from North Carolina answered…2yrs2Y

No, because we should focus on saving the Earth instead of leaving it and also NASA has also admitted that it's space programs and travels have been a falsification for years.

 @9BTY39B from Georgia answered…1yr1Y

No, we should focus on saving the Earth instead of leaving it and NASA has also admitted that it's space programs and travels have been a falsification for years.

 @95P6HN4 from North Carolina answered…2yrs2Y

No, we should focus on saving the Earth instead of leaving it and also NASA has also admitted that it's space programs and travels have been a falsification for years.

 @8TMFV7P from Georgia answered…2yrs2Y

 @9368TW2 from California answered…2yrs2Y

Yes, and drastically increase NASA’s current budget, but not until we drastically decrease our federal deficit. Plus, we should also focus on saving the Earth and only leaving it as a last resort to save all of the Eukaryotes.

 @9C8P5X8 from Georgia answered…1yr1Y

No, but we should focus on saving the Earth instead of leaving it and also NASA's space programs and travels have been a falsification for years.

 @9D5XBHH from Georgia answered…10mos10MO

No, because we should focus on saving the Earth instead of leaving it and NASA's space programs and travels have been a falsification for years.


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